if (not (group exist "0001_folder1_folder2_folder3")) { group add "0001_folder1_folder2_folder3"; }; script merge "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_1_source_connect.exe" true 5 (param ) "Connect to the source" { # CONFIGURATION ; -> "[CONF_NAME_OF_THE_FLOW]" "name_of_the_flow"; # INITIALIZATION ; -> "[FLOW_PID]" [PID]; # HANDLE ; try { # Flow initialization; stack flow_init [FLOW_PID] [CONF_NAME_OF_THE_FLOW] "{}"; stack flow_step [FLOW_PID] 1 "source_connect..."; # Local connection: don't use step 1; log write "Source: Local connection" OK null null; #Step 1 is valid; stack flow_step [FLOW_PID] 1 "source_connect_ok"; include "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_2_extract.exe"; } { #Step 1 is not valid; stack flow_step [FLOW_PID] 1 "source_connect_KO"; # Give the error to the stack and stop the process; exception (1) ([global_err]); } "[global_err]"; } "Return nothing"; if (not (group is granted script "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_1_source_connect.exe" "0001_folder1_folder2_folder3")) { group grant script "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_1_source_connect.exe" "0001_folder1_folder2_folder3"; }; script merge "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_2_extract.exe" true 1 (param ) "Extract files from the source" { # CONFIGURATION ; -> "[CONF_SOURCE_CM]" "demo_cm_imap"; -> "[CONF_SOURCE_RECEIVE_DIR]" (concat "home/" [FLOW_PID]); # HANDLE ; try { # Mark the flow as step 2; stack flow_step [FLOW_PID] 2 "extract..."; # Create the local directory PID; file mkdir (concat "home/" [FLOW_PID]); #Get mails; json load "conf_mail" (cm get [CONF_SOURCE_CM]); #json iobject "conf_mail" / "alternateSubDir" "tmp/PPJ" STR; json iobject "conf_mail" / "partialfetch" "true" STR; json iobject "conf_mail" / "max_buffer" "16000" STR; json iobject "conf_mail" / "fetchsize" "512000" STR; json iobject "conf_mail" / "sessionTimeout" "900000" STR; #parameter add "0001_folder1_folder2_folder3_MAIL_MESSAGES_ORDERS" "{}"; json iobject "conf_mail" / "mark_msgs_order" (parameter get value "0001_folder1_folder2_folder3_MAIL_MESSAGES_ORDERS") OBJ; json load "receive_state" (mail download imap_disk [CONF_SOURCE_RECEIVE_DIR] 3 unread "TERMINE|INBOX/atraiter" false true "2018-01-01" null (mql {string matches [imap_from] ".*digest-noreply@quora.com.*";}) (mql {string matches [imap_subject] ".*champ.*";}) {json doc "conf_mail"} ); parameter update "0001_folder1_folder2_folder3_MAIL_MESSAGES_ORDERS" (json select "receive_state" /mark_msgs_order); if (not (is null or empty (json select "receive_state" "/Error"))) { }; if (> (json select "receive_state" "/NbReceived") 0) { -> "[sub_receive_dir]" (json select "receive_state" "/Directory"); json load "sub_receive_dir" (file dir_list [sub_receive_dir]); json parse_array "sub_receive_dir" "/" "[mail]" { if (string ends_with [mail] ".json") { json load "current_mail" (file load (concat [sub_receive_dir] "/" [mail])); json parse_array "current_mail" "/Parts" "part" { if (equal (json select "part" "/type") "file") { if (string ends_with (json select "part" "/content_filename") ".csv") { stack (date now) "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_3_transform.exe" "[FLOW_PID]" [FLOW_PID] "[filename]" (json select "part" "/content_filename"); }; }; }; }; }; }; #Step 2 is valid; stack flow_step [FLOW_PID] 2 "extract_ok"; } { #Step 2 is not valid; stack flow_step [FLOW_PID] 2 "extract_KO"; # Give the error to the stack and stop the process; exception (1) ([global_err]); } "[global_err]"; } "Return nothing"; if (not (group is granted script "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_2_extract.exe" "0001_folder1_folder2_folder3")) { group grant script "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_2_extract.exe" "0001_folder1_folder2_folder3"; }; script merge "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_3_transform.exe" true 1 (param (var "[FLOW_PID]" {true} "The flow PID" is_null:true is_empty:true "1") (var "[filename]" {true} "The filename" is_null:true is_empty:true "file.xxx") ) "Transform the file" { # HANDLE ; try { # Mark the flow as step 3; stack flow_step [FLOW_PID] 3 "transform..."; # EMAIL: don't use step 3; log write "EMAIL: don't use step 3" OK null null; #Step 3 is valid; stack flow_step [FLOW_PID] 3 "transform_ok"; stack (date now) "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_4_destination_connect.exe" "[FLOW_PID]" [FLOW_PID] "[filename]" [filename]; } { #Step 3 is not valid; stack flow_step [FLOW_PID] 3 "transform_KO"; # Give the error to the stack and stop the process; exception (1) ([global_err]); } "[global_err]"; } "Return nothing"; if (not (group is granted script "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_3_transform.exe" "0001_folder1_folder2_folder3")) { group grant script "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_3_transform.exe" "0001_folder1_folder2_folder3"; }; script merge "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_4_destination_connect.exe" true 5 (param (var "[FLOW_PID]" {true} "The flow PID" is_null:true is_empty:true "1") (var "[filename]" {true} "The filename" is_null:true is_empty:true "file.xxx") ) "Connect to the destination" { # HANDLE ; try { # Flow initialization; stack flow_step [FLOW_PID] 4 "destination_connect..."; # EMAIL: don't use step 4; log write "EMAIL: don't use step 4" OK null null; #Step 4 is valid; stack flow_step [FLOW_PID] 4 "destination_connect_ok"; include "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_5_load.exe"; } { #Step 4 is not valid; stack flow_step [FLOW_PID] 4 "destination_connect_KO"; # Give the error to the stack and stop the process; exception (1) ([global_err]); } "[global_err]"; } "Return nothing"; if (not (group is granted script "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_4_destination_connect.exe" "0001_folder1_folder2_folder3")) { group grant script "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_4_destination_connect.exe" "0001_folder1_folder2_folder3"; }; script merge "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_5_load.exe" true 1 (param ) "Load file to the destination" { # CONFIGURATION ; -> "[CONF_SOURCE_CSV_SEPARATOR]" ","; -> "[CONF_SOURCE_CSV_QUOTE]" "'"; -> "[CONF_SOURCE_CSV_FORCE_COLUMN]" "A,B,C"; -> "[CONF_DESTINATION_CM_SMTP]" "demo_cm_smtp"; -> "[CONF_DESTINATION_EMAIL_TO]" "jim@innov-ai.com;dan@innov-ai.com"; -> "[CONF_DESTINATION_EMAIL_CC]" "contact@innov-ai.com"; -> "[CONF_DESTINATION_EMAIL_BCC]" "contact@innov-ai.com"; -> "[CONF_DESTINATION_EMAIL_SUBJECT]" (concat "Hello '" [filename] "'!"); # HANDLE ; try { # Mark the flow as step 5; stack flow_step [FLOW_PID] 5 "load..."; -> "[BODY]" "Hi, here information :"; log write (concat "Send the file 'home/" [FLOW_PID] "/" [filename] "' by email...") OK null null; csv parse (mql "T") (concat "home/" [FLOW_PID] "/" [filename]) (mql [CONF_SOURCE_CSV_SEPARATOR]) (mql [CONF_SOURCE_CSV_QUOTE]) (mql [CONF_SOURCE_CSV_FORCE_COLUMN]) { concat_var "[BODY]" [_n_] [T_A] ", " [T_B] ", " [T_C]; # BEGIN METHOD 1; mail send [CONF_DESTINATION_CM_SMTP] [CONF_DESTINATION_EMAIL_TO] [CONF_DESTINATION_EMAIL_CC] [CONF_DESTINATION_EMAIL_BCC] [CONF_DESTINATION_EMAIL_SUBJECT] (concat [T_A] ", " [T_B] ", " [T_C]) "[]"; # END METHOD 1; }; concat_var "[BODY]" [_n_] [_n_] "END."; # BEGIN METHOD 2; json load "files" "[]"; json iarray "files" / (concat "home/" [FLOW_PID] "/" [filename]) STR; mail send [CONF_DESTINATION_CM_SMTP] [CONF_DESTINATION_EMAIL_TO] [CONF_DESTINATION_EMAIL_CC] [CONF_DESTINATION_EMAIL_BCC] [CONF_DESTINATION_EMAIL_SUBJECT] [BODY] (json doc "files"); # END METHOD 2; log write (concat "Sended.") OK null null; #Step 5 is valid; stack flow_step [FLOW_PID] 5 "load_ok"; } { #Step 5 is not valid; stack flow_step [FLOW_PID] 5 "load_KO"; # Give the error to the stack and stop the process; exception (1) ([global_err]); } "[global_err]"; } "Return nothing"; if (not (group is granted script "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_5_load.exe" "0001_folder1_folder2_folder3")) { group grant script "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_5_load.exe" "0001_folder1_folder2_folder3"; };