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ETL_LOCAL_JSON_SFTP_XML.mql | MQL Samples | MentDB Weak Server

if (not (group exist "0001_folder1_folder2_folder3")) {
	group add "0001_folder1_folder2_folder3";

script merge "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_1_source_connect.exe" true 5
  "Connect to the source"

	-> "[CONF_NAME_OF_THE_FLOW]" "name_of_the_flow";

	-> "[FLOW_PID]" [PID];
	try {
		# Flow initialization;
		stack flow_init [FLOW_PID] [CONF_NAME_OF_THE_FLOW] "{}";
		stack flow_step [FLOW_PID] 1 "source_connect...";

		# Local connection: don't use step 1;
		log write "Source: Local connection" OK null null;
		#Step 1 is valid;
		stack flow_step [FLOW_PID] 1 "source_connect_ok";
		include "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_2_extract.exe";
	} {

		#Step 1 is not valid;
		stack flow_step [FLOW_PID] 1 "source_connect_KO";
		# Give the error to the stack and stop the process;
		exception (1) ([global_err]);
	} "[global_err]";
} "Return nothing";
if (not (group is granted script "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_1_source_connect.exe" "0001_folder1_folder2_folder3")) {
	group grant script "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_1_source_connect.exe" "0001_folder1_folder2_folder3";

script merge "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_2_extract.exe" true 1
  "Extract files from the source"

	-> "[CONF_DIR_SOURCE]" "tmp/source";
	-> "[CONF_SOURCE_FILTER]" ".*json";
	try {

		# Mark the flow as step 2;
		stack flow_step [FLOW_PID] 2 "extract...";

		# Create the local directory PID;
		file mkdir (concat "home/" [FLOW_PID]);

		# Get files into PID directory;
		log write (concat "Get files from '" [CONF_DIR_SOURCE] "/" [CONF_SOURCE_FILTER] "'.") OK null null;
		json load "valid_files" (file dir_list_regex [CONF_DIR_SOURCE] [CONF_SOURCE_FILTER] true false);
		json parse_array "valid_files" "/" "[filename]" {
			file copy_file (concat [CONF_DIR_SOURCE] "/" [filename]) (concat "home/" [FLOW_PID] "/" [filename]);
			log write (concat "Get file 'home/" [FLOW_PID] "/" [filename] "'.") OK null null;

		# Delete source file;
		json parse_array "valid_files" "/" "[filename]" {
			file delete (concat [CONF_DIR_SOURCE] "/" [filename]);
			log write (concat "Remove source file '" [CONF_DIR_SOURCE] "/" [filename] "'.") OK null null;

	} {

		#Step 2 is not valid;
		stack flow_step [FLOW_PID] 2 "extract_KO";
		# Give the error to the stack and stop the process;
		exception (1) ([global_err]);
	} "[global_err]";
	log write (concat (json count "valid_files" /) " file(s) to transform.") OK null null;

	if (> (json count "valid_files" /) 0) {

		#Step 2 is valid;
		stack flow_step [FLOW_PID] 2 (concat "extract_ok_" (json count "valid_files" /) "_files");
		json parse_array "valid_files" "/" "[filename]" {
			stack (date now) "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_3_transform.exe" "[FLOW_PID]" [FLOW_PID] "[filename]" [filename];
	} {

		#Step 2 is valid;
		stack flow_step [FLOW_PID] 2 "extract_ok_zero_file";
		# No file into the directory;
		file delete (concat "home/" [FLOW_PID]);


} "Return nothing";
if (not (group is granted script "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_2_extract.exe" "0001_folder1_folder2_folder3")) {
	group grant script "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_2_extract.exe" "0001_folder1_folder2_folder3";

script merge "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_3_transform.exe" true 1
  	(var "[FLOW_PID]" {true} "The flow PID" is_null:true is_empty:true "1")
  	(var "[filename]" {true} "The filename" is_null:true is_empty:true "")
  "Transform the file"

	-> "[CONF_DESTINATION_NEW_FILENAME]" (concat "new_filename_" (date systimestamp_min) ".xml");
	try {

		# Mark the flow as step 3;
		stack flow_step [FLOW_PID] 3 "transform...";

		xml load "flow" "<data></data>";

		log write (concat "Build the file 'home/" [FLOW_PID] "/" [CONF_DESTINATION_NEW_FILENAME] "' from 'home/" [FLOW_PID] "/" [filename] "'...") OK null null;

		json load "flow_source" (file load (concat "home/" [FLOW_PID] "/" [filename]));
		-> "[T_A]" "";
		-> "[T_B]" "";
		-> "[T_C]" "";
		json parse_obj "flow_source" "/" "[key]" "[val]" {

			-> (concat "[T_" [key] "]") [val];


		xml inode "flow" "/data" "<row><A></A><B></B><C></C></row>";
		xml utext "flow" (concat "/data/row[" 1 "]/A") [T_A];
		xml utext "flow" (concat "/data/row[" 1 "]/B") [T_B];
		xml utext "flow" (concat "/data/row[" 1 "]/C") [T_C];
		-> "[index]" 1;
		json parse_array "flow_source" "/" "row" {

			-> "[T_A]" (json select "row" /A);
			-> "[T_B]" (json select "row" /B);
			-> "[T_C]" (json select "row" /C);

			xml inode "flow" "/data" "<row><A></A><B></B><C></C></row>";
			xml utext "flow" (concat "/data/row[" [index] "]/A") [T_A];
			xml utext "flow" (concat "/data/row[" [index] "]/B") [T_B];
			xml utext "flow" (concat "/data/row[" [index] "]/C") [T_C];
			++ "[index]";

		file create (concat "home/" [FLOW_PID] "/" [CONF_DESTINATION_NEW_FILENAME]) (xml doc "flow");
		xml unload "flow";

		log write (concat "Builded.") OK null null;

		#Step 3 is valid;
		stack flow_step [FLOW_PID] 3 "transform_ok";
		stack (date now) "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_4_destination_connect.exe" "[FLOW_PID]" [FLOW_PID] "[filename]" [CONF_DESTINATION_NEW_FILENAME];
	} {
		try {xml unload "flow";} {} "[err]";

		#Step 3 is not valid;
		stack flow_step [FLOW_PID] 3 "transform_KO";
		# Give the error to the stack and stop the process;
		exception (1) ([global_err]);
	} "[global_err]";

} "Return nothing";
if (not (group is granted script "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_3_transform.exe" "0001_folder1_folder2_folder3")) {
	group grant script "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_3_transform.exe" "0001_folder1_folder2_folder3";

script merge "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_4_destination_connect.exe" true 5
  	(var "[FLOW_PID]" {true} "The flow PID" is_null:true is_empty:true "1")
  	(var "[filename]" {true} "The filename" is_null:true is_empty:true "")
  "Connect to the destination"

	-> "[CONF_DESTINATION_CM]" "demo_cm";
	try {
		# Flow initialization;
		stack flow_step [FLOW_PID] 4 "destination_connect...";

		sftp connect "destination_sess" {cm get [CONF_DESTINATION_CM];};
		#Step 4 is valid;
		stack flow_step [FLOW_PID] 4 "destination_connect_ok";
		include "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_5_load.exe";
	} {

		try {sftp disconnect "destination_sess";} {} "[err]";

		#Step 4 is not valid;
		stack flow_step [FLOW_PID] 4 "destination_connect_KO";
		# Give the error to the stack and stop the process;
		exception (1) ([global_err]);
	} "[global_err]";
} "Return nothing";
if (not (group is granted script "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_4_destination_connect.exe" "0001_folder1_folder2_folder3")) {
	group grant script "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_4_destination_connect.exe" "0001_folder1_folder2_folder3";

script merge "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_5_load.exe" true 1
  "Load file to the destination"

	-> "[CONF_DIR_DESTINATION]" "/remote/dir";
	try {

		sftp cd "destination_sess" [CONF_DIR_DESTINATION];

		# Mark the flow as step 5;
		stack flow_step [FLOW_PID] 5 "load...";
		log write (concat "Send '" (concat "home/" [FLOW_PID] "/" [filename]) "' to '" (concat [CONF_DIR_DESTINATION] "/" [filename]) "' ...") OK null null;

		# Send file into the destination directory;
		sftp put "destination_sess" (concat "home/" [FLOW_PID] "/" [filename]) (concat [CONF_DIR_DESTINATION] "/" [filename]) "RESUME";
		log write "Sended." OK null null;

		sftp disconnect "destination_sess";
		#Step 5 is valid;
		stack flow_step [FLOW_PID] 5 "load_ok";
	} {
		try {sftp disconnect "destination_sess";} {} "[err]";

		#Step 5 is not valid;
		stack flow_step [FLOW_PID] 5 "load_KO";
		# Give the error to the stack and stop the process;
		exception (1) ([global_err]);
	} "[global_err]";

} "Return nothing";
if (not (group is granted script "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_5_load.exe" "0001_folder1_folder2_folder3")) {
	group grant script "folder1.folder2.folder3.step_5_load.exe" "0001_folder1_folder2_folder3";
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