Changelog | MentDB Weak Server
Version 3.2.1
- many bugs fixed in the editor
- bug fixed in 'file create' width encoding
- Connect to ssh throught public key (without user password)
Version 3.1.8
- The editor was taken out of the server folder
- There are now 2 versions of the editor (GPLv3 and Enterprise)
- Add REST function with PUT method and JSON in body (http/https)<
- Add field token_do to User Manager
Version 3.1.7
- Improve the firewall into a database (you can now read your database et take decision - block ip...)
- The application manager can now download a CSV/JSON/XML file without open a new WEB page (download.jsp)
Version 3.1.6
- Block IP from the web-server
- Add a deployment form
- Upgrade: set a new version of Quartz module... to 2.4.0
- Upgrade: set a new version of H2 module... to 2.1.214
Version 3.1.5
- Compress a PDF file (Warning, everything is transformed into an image, it is made for PDFs of type images originally.)
- Mona: all training are now saved with 'version'
- Mona: add rights for execute training to specific user
- Mona: pull / push training on a remote mentdb server
- Mona: Download remote trainings with remote saved rights
- Jetty: don't list directory in http and https applications
Version 3.1.4
- Replace AliceBot by LisaBot (Weak version)
- Add timeout in "rest http*" funtions
- Filter on 'ok' and 'ko' in same time into "log search" function
Version 3.1.3
- Run MQL script through job manager in a MentDB Cluster
Version 3.1.2
- Improve the function 'metric sessions' to show the current fx
- Caching scripts for quick access (performance improvement)
- Get chart data for MentDB Strong (in JSON format)
- Get table data for MentDB Strong (in JSON format)
Version 3.1.1
- Change the font size of the editor by number
- Integrate new backup serveur option (linked with Innov-AI plateform)
- Show popup menu only on right click on the editor
- Get files from local or remote connection from the editor easily (FTP, SFTP, FTPS, CIFS, SSH)
- Cross Origin Access (Web service)
- CIFS: add filter on files ls
Version 3.1.0
- Fixed: Important bug on linux with low kernel version (jar files are not loaded in a good order)
- Get client host name, IP and port from all remote connections
- Save script on each inserts/modifications (into the table history)
- Read and write headers from/to HTTP request or response
- Get the Java PID
- Add last modified date to ls function in ftp ftps cifs
Version 3.0.9
- ETL Generator (GUI: 9 clicks)
- Add parent id on stack processes (to show log structure into lod stack)
- Bug File Watcher - insert to the stack
- Bug JSON_EXTRACT in H2 database (MySQL compatibility)
Version 3.0.8
- Bug log4j fixed
- The SCRUD is now compatible with Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLServer, MySQL, H2, HSQL and Apache Derby
- Bug on multiple create same user
- Bug autocompletion into the editor on linux (freeze autocompletion)
Version 3.0.7
- Bug autocompletion into the editor on linux (space must kill auto-completion)
- "Mode" function to give access to the good environment DEV/PROD
- "Flow" functions to follow one flow with many stack processes
- MQL: Synchronized block
- Add function "stack var_show"
- Bug into the stack: add new execution+variables into the stack an commit all when ready to execution
- Bug: * 8.45 100 = 844.9999999999999 (bd* 8.45 100 = 845 solved by BigDecimal Java)
- Metric system: Bug into MQL parser to get current executed function
- Bug: 'log write' for long text does not insert into the 'logs' table
- Bug into IMAP manager (download in memory - into JSON)
- MongoDB integration
- Search 'text' in script must use SQL for more speed
Version 3.0.6
- Bug fixed and Improve IMAP manager (download in hard disk)
Version 3.0.5
- Bug fixed in parameter manager (Parameter exist function)
Version 3.0.4
- Bug fixed in parameter manager (cannot save a parameter with null value - a small bug but very annoying)
Version 3.0.3
- Back to commons-net-3.3.jar (bug in ftps module)
- Get Stripe session for product payment
- Resize an image
- Rotation an image
- Backup script - no mysql locker when backup
- Backup script - only specific tables
- Get parameter from memory before (value lenght <= 5000 by default)
- Default cron times were updated (for low power machines)
Version 3.0.2
- Warning: I strongly advise to migrate to this new version
- Bug fixed in stack manager
- Job manager was improved
- Default jobs was updated to 10s min
Version 3.0.1
- Bug fixed in session id generator
- Bug fixed in node manager (for json array)
- Job manager was improved
Version 3.0.0
- Data corruption bug fixed (MySQL and H2 Database as robust storage engine)
- Right management was improved
- Many bugs fixed in MQL Editor
Version 2.4.3
- Warning: I strongly advise to migrate to this new version
- Data corruption bug fixed
- Diagnostic file system functions
- Repair ghost data blocks
- Force to add data blocks
Version 2.4.2
- Get data from database without reload request (sql block*)
- Improve the editor
- Bug fixed in download form
- New editor theme (fixed many bug)
- Download data module from many databases was improved
- Redirect tmp directory for each user
Version 2.4.1
- Bug: env in condition delay on script
- Improve stack process manager (nb in thread by script)
- Improve log trace manager (last request/result by session)
- Improve IMAP module (Download all information from EML attachements)
- In the editor (Better view of the server organization)
- In the editor (new button to show last request/result by session)
- In the editor (new shortcut to show a process id)
- In the editor (new shortcut to execute 'file dir_list')
- In the editor (new shortcut to execute 'file load')
Version 2.4.0
- IMAP protocol can now download email with attachement EML
- Bug fixed in "string get_variable"
- Bug fixed in "relation execute"
- Bug fixed in application Intent
Version 2.3.9
Version 2.3.8
- Commit a specific script
- Bug fixed in versioning module
Version 2.3.7
- Manage the versioning of MQL
- Add a new function to merge a script
- Call GLPI throught REST API
- Download data from several databases into a centralized database
- Download mail throught IMAP on Microsoft Azure + get token from Azure
Version 2.3.6
- Improve the MQL Editor
- Move quartz scheduler to 2.3.0
- Bug fixed: REST API is valid if response >=200 and <=206
- Bug fixed: MQL request redirected to the tunnel when right click on a node into the tree script
- Bug fixed: update password on User Manager
Version 2.3.5
- New application 'Neural Network Trainer'!
- DL4J CSV functions was improved
- MentDB Weak Ready to use the 'Neural Network Trainer' app
Version 2.3.4
- Bug fixed in app usermanager (group replaced by `group`)
- Add 'bootstrap4-toggle.js' into the defaut web template
- Ready to use the 'presence' app
Version 2.3.3
- MentDB can now work with 'MongoDB'
- Upgrade to MySQL 8 (JDBC Driver 8.0.21)
- Upgrade module 'commons-net-3.7'
- Add logs into the stack when jobs (cron) is in error.
- Imap protocol return the maximum of info on the mail if a timeout ou an error appears.
- Bug fixed: Detect click >=2 to active the mouse into the Editor.
- Deployment script to add by default into the server.
- Get remote table snapshots et local MySQL integration.
- Don't lock the stack if a database keeps the connection open (kill process).
Version 2.3.2
- MentDB Weak: Improve application manager (user rights and menu for all applications into the appstore)
- Many bug fixed into all applications into the appstore.
Version 2.3.1
Version 2.3.0
- New application was created: Index-AI (into the AppStore). A lightweight search engine (like Google).
- Improve research on the editor
- New Math function: math order_int, math order_long, math order_double, math order_float to order a JSON array
- Refresh cluster and research are now separate on the editor
Version 2.2.9
- Editor: MQL Assistance, direct access to Jimmitry.
- Editor: Improved keyboard shortcuts
- Editor: Addition of a button listing the keyboard shortcuts
- Editor: Improved full screen mode
- Editor: Improved MQL input tab
Version 2.2.8
- Editor was improved.
- Mentalese context was added in 'relation execute' function.
- Editor: Font size = 13 by default
Version 2.2.7
- Editor in dark theme
- Bug fixed: Session which does not close properly if number of parameters is invalid
- Add properties in all connection manager
- Editor connect to many mentdb servers in one editor
- Improve find form
Version 2.2.6
- Upload and Download file with 'MentDB Editor'
- Reload a backup
- Bug fixed in search script into the editor
- Make a video to show how to create a backup
- Make a video to replay a backup
- GUI Editor, add more icons.
Version 2.2.5
- Add MQL sample ready to use into the Editor
- MentDB is compatible with Raspberry PI
- Bug fixed in (cd $basedir)
- Backup process is ready
- Restore process backup is ready
- Make a video to show how to backup a MentDB server
- Make a video to show how to restore a MentDB server
Version 2.2.4
- MentDB now starts by default in embedded mode (with H2 database).
- All functionalities are operational in embedded mode
- Extend the default MySQL connection parameters in a parameter of the server.conf file
Version 2.2.3
- Bug in scheduler + stack because the light mode: fixed
- Bug in set_delay for asynchronous execution: fixed
- Session timeout on each web application in online or offline mode
- More text size for MQL Editor (to show the source code)
- New math function 'math base_to_base'
Version 2.2.2
- Bug light_mode = true in first start: fixed.
- Bug AIML get_var: fixed.
Version 2.2.1
- Light mode serveur (without MySQL)
Version 2.2.0
- Update the application 'Task Manager' on the new architecture
- Update the application 'Knowledge' on the new architecture
- Update the application 'Book Manager' on the new architecture
- Switch between applications
- Preparing the orchestration of applications
- Modification of the portal to be able to welcome all future applications
- Imap: download attachement with QPDecoderStream.
- Http(s) session to control a web site
- Create the application 'User/Right Manager'
- Bug fixed when rollback transaction on start server.
Version 2.1.9
- Urgent: A corruption bug has been fixed in the Sequence+Stack manager (2 scripts that retrieve a process ID at the same time).
- Integration DL4J for CSV training (tested only on MacOSX at this time)
Version 2.1.8
- Urgent: A bug has been fixed in the CRON manager (user session was not closed if a MQL script generate an exception).
Version 2.1.7
- A bug has been fixed in the SCRUD generator for multilingual mode.
Version 2.1.6
- Allow Web application to upload files
Version 2.1.5
- Timeout on SFTP connector
- Synthaxic staining of MQL (string mql_to_html)
- Simple bug quote & # 38; instead of & # 39;
- Rename the database filed: 'fistname' instead of 'firstname' (table users)
- Node delete
- Integrate JVMs into the server
- INT in json / node doc
- Improved speed of writing blocks
- Improved MQL code parser (1800 times faster)
- Flashing demo button in the editor
- Default DATA_BLOCK_SIZE = 8168
- Creation of data encryption function
- Create the deposit-sale management project
- Create task management project
- Bug restricted MQL session
- Bug ml h on 'from' parameter (shortest route calculation)
- Bug Editor: displays too much popup menu
- Bug editor right click on data sql show under windows
- Bug 'mql' and 'mql encode' ...
- break and continue in json_parse_array ...
- Adjust the SCRUD manager to save even more time ...
Version 2.1.4
- An editor has been integrated into the server.
Version 2.1.3
- This is the first version in GPL_v3.