'Task-Manager' is an open-source application, you can download and install it into MentDB Server. Task managers there are many, but simple and effective, less... You can create clients, groups and tasks according to different states. A good sample application developed with MentDB Weak...
Version v1.0.5 (works with MDB_2.4.0 and up ...)
- Download and Install MDB_X.X.X (Choose the right version)
- Start a MQL Editor
- Unzip the file 'taskmanager_X.X.X.mql.zip'
- Copy the MQL source code from the file 'taskmanager_X.X.X.mql'
- Paste the MQL source code into the MQL Editor
- Execute the MQL source code
- Your application is ready!
- Go to https://localhost:9999
- Click on your application
- Login 'system', password 'pwd'
- Enjoy!
Image 1

Image 2

Version v1.0.4 (works with MDB_2.3.1 and up ...)
Version v1.0.3 (works with MDB_2.3.0 and up ...)
Version v1.0.2 (works with MDB_2.3.0 and up ...)
Version v1.0.1 (works with MDB_2.2.0 and up ...)
Version v1.0.0 (works with MDB_2.1.9 and up ...)