Hi, my name is Jimmitry PAYET and I live in the Indian Ocean, on Reunion Island. I am Researcher / Developer / Autodidact since 1995.
My many years of coding in different programming languages have allowed me to achieve a certain degree of optimization...
I am fully focused today on this, and I make my work available to companies through my company Innov-AI.
Over the past few years, my research has focused on 2 themes:
- Since 2004: World Wide Data through my software MentDB Weak where I built a complete architecture to securely control all the data on the planet with a single programming language, as if the whole planet were working like a single, gigantic database...
- Since 2012: Artificial Consciousness through my software MentDB Strong where I try to build a self-stimulating, an emotional machine that passes the tests of conscience, based on an internal language: the Mentalese...
My work is open-source (GPLv3), and access to some of my open-source software is chargeable, this allows me to manage my costs.
A big thank you to all those who support me, and although I am alone on my projects, I remain well aware that we are nobody without others in this world.